ArchiTech joins the Australian Cyber Collaboration Centre.

We are thrilled to announce that ArchiTech has officially joined the Australian Cyber Collaboration Center (Aus3C) community as a Premium member!

This partnership is a testament to our commitment to enhancing cybersecurity measures that deliver secure, robust, and resilient environments and infrastructure for our clients. Aus3C is at the forefront of cybersecurity innovation and collaboration in Australia. Our expertise, combined with Aus3C's resources and network of cybersecurity, we're leveling up to safeguard your digital journey like never before. Stay tuned for how this game-changing partnership will bring exciting advancements, innovation, and services your way.

Read more here.

About Aus3C

The Australian Cyber Collaboration Centre (Aus3C) is committed to building cyber capacity and securing Australia's digital landscape. We envision a future where cyber resilience is accessible, affordable, and achievable across the Australian economy, empowering every organisation to confidently navigate the digital realm.

As a not-for-profit, member-based organisation, Aus3C utilises our knowledge and expertise to make cyberspace a better and safer place for organisations, corporations, agencies, and institutions to conduct business.

Collaboration lies at the heart of our approach, as we believe that working together is key to delivering on our mission. We foster trust and confidence within the Australian cyber security ecosystem, acting as a national leader in forging partnerships that drive cyber capacity building throughout the nation. By joining our dynamic community, you can grow your networks of like-minded individuals and contribute to the specialised workforce dedicated to building and managing cyber security resilience.

We foster an ecosystem where industry, researchers, and government collaborate more effectively than the malicious actors targeting our networks. We are the sole cyber centre in Australia that brings together education, industry, and business sectors, fostering collaboration and synergy, and building sovereign capability of our nation. Our leadership team boasts some of Australia's brightest minds in defence, government affairs, risk management, and information technology who work in tandem with an extensive network of national and international cyber and space partnerships.


Visit ArchiTech at the Digital Health Festival 2024


ArchiTech supporting VHBA’s Mental Health Beds Expansion Program.